Hey! Here are some of the things I wished to share with you:
Observing the land
I switched to an Atreus keyboard
I switched to a Tuxedo notebook
(A természet örök könyvét...)
Where to live in the world?
Retrospect on 3 years of bilingualism
Let people learn the real thing, not the abstraction
Open projects in dedicated Emacs frames
Origo vagy(,) telex?
Going digital vegan
Tarta crudivegana "cheesecake"
Digital data backup strategy
I started to purchase music again
I switched to KDE Plasma desktop
Stinging nettle green pesto
My bookshelf
The Xylophone Maze: Screen-free coding for children
On using Emacs for 20 years
Salty kiss
Finding a full stack developer job in 2024
Fedora on Macbook Air
But is this rock music?
But is this rock music?
Not my king
Living in a caravan in a greenhouse
Retrospect of the diaper-free first two years
Lessons learned with Elm
Do I need a smartphone?
Using a compost (dry) toilet
Emő, baba
A szépségverseny
Finding a full stack developer job in 2022
On part-time work
Work vision
Toolbox of a beginner programmer
On fasting
Spice inventory
Sinusitis treatment
Oatmeal variations for breakfast
Essential kitchen utensils
On nightshades
Sitting on a fitball
Keep your digital passwords safe
Cracking walnuts
A stupid rule: Don't play with your food
Notes on baby-led weaning
Toolbox for resilience
Color codes for essential oils
First pregnancy and home birth
Lluvia mensual promedio en La Figarona, Asturias, 2020
Arno's wheel
Pakoras, verduras fritas indianas (receta vegana)
Poudre de Colombo
Bolas energéticas con avena y dátiles (receta crudivegana)
Mapping out life activities using the zonal analysis
Assessment of secure messaging apps
Natural birth movies
On slugs and snails
A vízben
The ecollusion of renewables
A paradicsom palántákról
Tools for life design
Diet and ecological footprint
Elephant Carpaccio
Eating honey, the B-side
Log Pose
Babbel Neos: The first year of a junior developer
The bloody cashew
Here is how I became vegan
My painting story — one year of color fields
Explore more:
I cook vegan food
Interesting bits